Welcome to Mirage Outpost!
1 - Download client files from Client files download
this requires a torrent program like bittorrent
2 - move the @DayZ_Epoch to inside your arma 2 folder in a location like "steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead" you can find the location in steam by right clicking arma 2 operation arrowhead and select properties then browse local files.
3 - start arma 2 OA at the first screen click expansions and make sure "A2" "A2OA" "DayZ Epoch" are checked, sometimes it lists beta and others that arent mods you can have these checked also.
4 - Join server at ts3.mirageoutpost.com, you will get kicked.
5 - let me know you were kicked and I will go in and whitelist you.
6 - rejoin